Profile and settings

Under Profile and settings, you can update your contact details, determine which notifications you want to receive, change privacy settings, and view your access log.

Hands typing

Contact details and notification settings

The contact details ("kontaktinfomasjon") that are displayed are taken from the National Population Registry and the Digital Contact Registry, and are not stored on If you notice any errors in the information, there is a link to a page where you can edit the information.

The notification settings ("varseloppsett") enable you to determine whether you receive notifications by text message (SMS) or e-mail when you receive information on, as well as the type of notifications that you receive. Unless you select a different option, notifications will be sent by text message.

If you have parental responsibility for one or more children, you will receive the same type of notifications for them as you do for yourself.

Personal data

​This page ("Personopplysninger") contains information about you that may be important for health professionals to know.

Data in the National Population Registry ("Opplysninger i folkeregisteret")

Here you can see what data is registered about you in the National Population Registry, and you can easily check to see whether it is correct.

Next of kin ("Pårørende")

It is important for healthcare professionals to know who you want them to contact if anything happens to you. If you have a summary care record ("kjernejournal"), you should therefore enter information on your next of kin and how they can be contacted.

You can enter several people and indicate who of them you want to designate as your closest next of kin. Healthcare professionals will always attempt to contact your closest next of kin first.

If you change your mind and would like someone else to be designated as your closest next of kin, you must remove these people from the list, enter the details of the other people you want to be registered as your closest next of kin, and then re-enter the previous ones as ordinary next of kin if you wish.

Employers ("Arbeidsgivere")

Enter your employer’s contact details if you wish healthcare professional to have this information. It can be useful for healthcare professionals to know who your employer is, for example if you need a sick-note.

Communication ("Kommunikasjon")

Here, you can indicate whether you have any special needs regarding communication, etc. This can be useful for healthcare professionals to know, so that they can meet your needs.

Using healthcare services and schemes

Under Using healthcare services and schemes ("Bruk av helsetjenester og ordninger"), you can determine whether, and if so how, you use digital healthcare services on You can also manage your access to these services and withdraw or amend your consent to the processing of health data and the use of Helsenorge's services.

Read more about providing consent to different levels of access required in order for you to be able to use many of the services on

Sharing of health data

​Under Sharing of health data ("Deling av helseopplysninger"), you can determine how your health data are shared for use in patient care, statistics, prevention, preparedness, analysis and health research.

Power of attorney

You must be over 16 years of age in order to give someone power of attorney ("fullmakt") to use services on behalf of other people. The recipient must be over 18 years of age.

You can choose what the power of attorney covers by selecting one or more of the three service areas. The power of attorney will automatically apply to new services within the selected areas as they become available.

This option is suitable for those who now and in the future would like as much help as possible to keep track of their health situation through digital services. If services which are considered to be a significant change are added, you may need to confirm the power of attorney again.

You can read more about representing other people at here.

Usage and permissions

Under Usage and permissions ("Bruk og tillatelser") you get an overview of your use of Helsenorge and other solutions, tools and apps where you use your Helsenorge user to gain access.

The Access log ("logg over bruk") shows general information about when you logged in and when a service has been used, but does not give any details about the actual use.

If anyone else has access to services on your behalf through parental responsibility or power of attorney, their access will also be displayed.

In Active logins ("aktive innlogginger") you can see and manage all places where you are logged in with your Helsenorge user and the login is still active.

Under Permissions ("tillatelser") you can view and manage all external solutions, tools and apps with which you have allowed data exchange.

Future features

Your options to determine how Helsenorge works for you will be expanded. You will for example be able to receive notifications from more services. Power of attorney will also apply to more services.

Content provided by Norsk helsenett

Norsk helsenett. Profile and settings. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Tuesday, April 13, 2021 [retrieved Saturday, February 22, 2025]. Available from:

Last updated Tuesday, April 13, 2021