Out-of-hours medical service

All municipalities in Norway offer an out-of-hours medical service for immediate medical assistance 24 hours a day. Call the 6-digit number 116 117 for free to contact your local out-of-hours medical centre. In an emergency, call 113.

Picture of a mobile phone screen showing the phone number 116 117

When I need medical assistance: Who should I call?

  • ​Your General Practitioner (GP) during opening hours
  • Your local out-of-hours medical centre on 116 117 when your GP is unavailable and you are unable to wait. The number is toll free. 
  • 113 in case of an emergency. The number is toll free. 

Your GP or your GP's surgery is your main point of contact within the health service. 

How to contact the out-of-hours medical service

You can call 116 117 around the clock and you will then be put in touch with your local out-of-hours medical centre. It's free to call. You will be given the opportunity to select other out-of-hours medical centres than you local one, or you can call different emergency centers directly by their 8-digit telephone number.

If you are calling from abroad or a satellite phone, you must use the specified 8-digit telephone number of the out-of-hours medical centre you wish to reach. Check the municipality's website or number information services.

What the out-of-hours medical service can do for you

The out-of-hours medical center offers help when your GP's office is closed, and the help cannot wait. This also applies if you are not near your GP, for example if you are on holiday or travelling. If you believe it is an emergency, call the emergency medical helpline 113.

When should you call the out-of-hours medical service

Examples of circumstances where it may be appropriate to contact the out-of-hours medical service:

  • High fever – particularly in children
  • Moderate breathing difficulties
  • Acute illness or serious deterioration
  • Unresponsive or exhausted children or adults
  • Serious mental illness
  • Suspected pregnancy complications
  • Cut injuries requiring stitches
  • Suspected fractures

Attendance and user fees

The various out-of-hours medical centres across Norway are organised in different ways. In all municipalities, there is always at least one doctor on duty at all times. When you use services from out-of-hours medical centres, you must pay a user fee if you do not have a free card. The deductible varies from around NOK 160-360 for 2023.

It is recommended that you call the out-of-hours medical center for an assessment before you decide whether or not you need to go to the center. Good advice over the phone can often be sufficient.

When you arrive at the emergency room, you must always contact the staff. They will then make a quick assessment of you (the patient) and assessment of the urgency of your situation. Those with the most critical condition get to the doctor first.

If you have to wait, it's because others need the help sooner. In order to help you in the best possible way, the emergency room needs some information. Among other things, they ask about personal details, address, why you are contacting us, previous illnesses and any medicines you take.

Your GP will also be able to provide you with assistance quickly

If you need assistance during the daytime, you should call your GP or your GP's office first. Your GP will assess the urgency of your situation and will normally give you an appointment on the same day if necessary. You should always contact your GP regarding sick-leave, prescription renewals and chronic and known complaints which are not deteriorating rapidly.

About General Practitioner on Helsenorge

You can contact your GP, book an appointment and request repeat prescriptions on Helsenorge. Here you can read about the services your GP might offer via Helsenorge.

When should I call 113?

In the event of an accident or serious incident where you need emergency medical assistance, you should call 113.

If you have any of the following symptoms, you should always call the emergency medical dispatch centre 113:

  • Onset of facial paralysis – difficulty smiling, laughing or showing teeth
  • Onset of arm paralysis – difficulty raising both arms
  • Onset of language disorders, inability to find words or slurred speech
  • Sudden or unexplained loss of balance
  • Unconsciousness or reduced consciousness
  • Chest pains lasting more than five minutes
  • When taking the heart medicine nitroglycerine has less effect than usual
  • Unexpected discomfort in the chest area, general malaise and nausea

Content provided by The Norwegian Directorate of Health

The Norwegian Directorate of Health. Out-of-hours medical service. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Thursday, March 9, 2023 [retrieved Friday, March 14, 2025]. Available from: https://www.helsenorge.no/en/help-services-in-the-municipalities/out-of-hours-medical-service/

Last updated Thursday, March 9, 2023