About Vaccinations

The Vaccinations service ("Vaksiner") enables you to check the vaccination status of both yourself and your children under the age of 16. You can also print out a vaccination card in Norwegian and English.

If your health centre, General Practitioner (GP) or vaccination centre records vaccines that you or children for whom you have parental responsibility have received, you will later be able to log on to the Norwegian Immunisation Registry SYSVAK and check which vaccines you have received.

For advice and information about vaccines that are offered in Norway, visit the Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s website about vaccines.


This service requires consent for Full access.

Check your vaccination status

If you have children under the age of 16, you can also see which vaccines they have received.

Vaccines that are covered by the service

​Childhood vaccines

Childhood vaccines administered through the Norwegian Childhood Immunisation Programme. If you are born in 1995 or later, you will find the childhood vaccines in the registry.

Childhood vaccines before 1995

Between 1976 and 1995, five counties were included in a trial scheme for a central immunisation registry. The trial scheme was developed gradually from 1976, and by the mid-1980s, it included 5 counties. For persons from the counties Østfold, Akershus, Oslo, Hedmark and Hordaland, vaccination registrations can therefore be found back to the mid-1980s, and for some as far back as 1976.

Coronavirus vaccines

Coronavirus vaccine is given through the coronavirus immunisation programme. Coronavirus vaccinations must be registered electronically with SYSVAK and must be registered immediately after vaccination. Coronavirus vaccination follows a specific order of priority for different groups in the population.

Illustrasjon av kvinne med skjold.

Information about vaccines and vaccination

Information about the various vaccines, effects and side effects.

Travel vaccines and other vaccines 

Travel vaccines and other vaccines received from 2011 onwards. This applies to all age groups.

The vaccine against pandemic flu will be recorded if you received it during or after 2009.

Vaccinations reported by healthcare professionals electronically through the medical record system will become available in the service when they have been entered in SYSVAK.

Vaccines that are recorded on paper will become available in the service within approximately three weeks. It may take longer during the high season for influenza vaccination, which is between September and January. Note that public health centres do not record vaccinations on paper.

Vaccination card

​Age group between the age of 16 and 18

Because the age of majority under health law in Norway is 16 years, parents do not have access to their children’s vaccination status after their 16th birthday. Buypass ID is available to persons from the age of 13. If you have such an ID, you can check your vaccinations yourself by logging in to the Vaccinations service at Helsenorge.

If you are aged between 16 and 18, you can order a vaccination card directly from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health without a Buypass ID.

There is a 30-day deadline for the issuing of vaccination cards from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, but they will normally be dispatched within 1-2 days after ordering.

Children under 16 and adults over 18 years of age

You can log in using BankID or other approved identification by clicking the log-in button at the top of this page. In the Vaccinations service at Helsenorge, you can check which vaccinations have been recorded for yourself and your children under the age of 16 for whom you have parental responsibility, and print out the vaccination card from there.

If you still wish to receive a vaccination card from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, you can order one by post. The price is 125 NOK per vaccination card.
Send a letter to:

Att: Nasjonalt vaksinasjonsregister SYSVAK
Postboks 222 Skøyen
0213 OSLO

In the letter, you must state your national ID number (11 digits), your full name and the address registered in the National Registry for the person or persons for whom you wish to receive a vaccination card.
Please note that the Norwegian Institute of Public Health is unable to accept national ID numbers by e-mail.

Children between 13 and 16 years old

If you are between 13 and 16 years old, you have to get parental consent to get acess to your vaccination information.

What vaccine have I been given and what preparation does it contain?

The preparation of a vaccine is not shown on the vaccination card. Preparation is not mandatory in the registration to SYSVAK, and may therefore be incomplete. The purpose of SYSVAK is to show which diseases you are protected against. Preparation names may also vary from country to country.

You can find information about the preparation when it has been registered by logging in to the Helsenorge service Health registries. Here you can find information about the type of vaccine and SYSVAK code or vaccine code, as well as the name or identifier of the health unit that has registered the vaccination. If the preparation and batch number have been registered from the person who gave the vaccine, this will be displayed here.

Each covid-19 vaccine has its own SYSVAK code or vaccine code. You can therefore know which preparation has been prescribed, even if vaccine preparations have not been registered.

Why is my vaccination card blank or incomplete?

​A vaccination card may be blank or missing one or more vaccinations for a number of reasons:

The vaccine was administered recently

If the vaccine was administered recently, the information may not yet have been recorded.
In this case, you do not need to do anything – the information will be sent shortly.

The vaccination information has not been submitted

If the information has been omitted even though you have waited a while for it, this may be because the vaccination centre has not submitted your vaccination information for recording. In this case, you should contact the vaccination centre and ask them to resend the information.

The vaccine was administered before 1995

Vaccinations were not recorded in the Norwegian Immunisation Registry before 1995, except for the following five counties, which began a trial scheme in 1976:

  • Østfold
  • Akershus
  • Oslo
  • Hedmark
  • Hordaland

Vaccinations which must be recorded

The following vaccinations must be entered in the Norwegian Immunisation Registry:

  • childhood vaccines administered from 1995
  • pandemic vaccine against swine flu in 2009
  • all other vaccines administered during or after 2011

Retrospective recording of vaccination data

​If vaccination information has not been submitted or recorded, you can ask the centre where you received the vaccine to submit the information for inclusion in the service.

Contact your vaccination centre or GP and ask for the vaccination(s) to be recorded retrospectively, and present documentation verifying that you have received the vaccine(s) concerned. Valid documentation could for example be an extract from medical records or a vaccination card.

You have the right to have childhood vaccines dating from 1995 onwards recorded retrospectively.

Retrospective recording may also be appropriate if you for example have received a travel vaccine which has not been recorded by the service. The centre where you received the vaccine is obliged to record vaccines administered on or after 1st of January 2011 if you so wish.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health is unable to record or retrospectively record your vaccinations. This must be done by healthcare professionals at the centres which carry out the vaccinations.

Correcting vaccination information

​If you notice any errors in the vaccination information for yourself or your children when you are logged in to the Vaccinations service, contact the centre where the vaccines were administered or another vaccination office.

If you have any problems correcting the information, healthcare professionals may contact the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Content provided by Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Norwegian Institute of Public Health. About Vaccinations. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Tuesday, January 19, 2021 [retrieved Saturday, March 29, 2025]. Available from: https://www.helsenorge.no/en/vaccinations/about/

Last updated Tuesday, January 19, 2021