Helsenorge from the age of 16

Anyone aged 16 or over can log in to Helsenorge. You are then legally competent under health law. Your parents will no longer be able to view any information about you or perform any actions on Helsenorge on your behalf without your permission.

Creating a user account on Helsenorge

You must use BankID, Buypass or Commfides to log in to Helsenorge.

When you log in for the first time, you will be prompted to create a user. You must choose how and to what extent you will use the services on Helsenorge, i.e. what level of consent you want to have.

Your parents may have already set up a user account for you and chosen a consent level for you. If you wish, you can change the consent level that your parents chose. You do this under Privacy settings.

You can involve your parents

From the age of 16, you can make your own decisions concerning your health. This is known as being legally competent under health law. 

As a legally competent person, your parents will no longer be able to view your health information or perform any actions on Helsenorge on your behalf.

If you would still like your parents to be kept informed or remain in contact with your treatment providers after you have reached the age of 16, you can still allow this if you wish.

You must then give at least one parent power of attorney to use Helsenorge on your behalf. You do not lose access to Helsenorge if you have given someone a power of attorney.

Power of attorney

You may give power of attorney to other people to use services at Helsenorge on your behalf, and you may obtain a corresponding power of attorney from others.

Healthcare rights for children and adolescents in Norway

Children and adolescents have a number of rights related to health and care services.

Content provided by Norsk helsenett

Norsk helsenett. Helsenorge from the age of 16. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Friday, June 21, 2024 [retrieved Wednesday, January 29, 2025]. Available from: https://www.helsenorge.no/en/ungdom/helsenorge-from-the-age-of-16/

Last updated Friday, June 21, 2024