Right to healthcare in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom left the EU/EEA (Brexit) in 2020. This entailed changes in entitlement to have healthcare expenses covered. From 1 January 2024, a new social security agreement between the United Kingdom and Norway applies.

This page presents an overview of the right to healthcare that different population groups might have. The health rights might be limited. It is therefore important to have private travel insurance in addition.

You can read more about the new social security agreement here: Ny trygdeavtale mellom Island, Liechtenstein, Norge og Storbritannia (regjeringen.no – only in Norwegian).


If you travel to the United Kingdom as a tourist, you can again use the European Health Insurance Card there. Read about the rights the European Health Insurance Card gives.

If you have a citizenship other than an EU/EEA one and are not entitled to a European Health Insurance Card, you may still be entitled to have healthcare expenses covered in the UK. If you need healthcare in the UK and need documentation, you can contact Helfo.


Are you studying in the United Kingdom? The new social security agreement means that from 1 January 2024, you have comparable rights to students in the EU/EEA and Switzerland . You can therefore use the European health insurance card if you need to have expenses for health care covered. Read more about your rights on the "Students in the EU/EEA and Switzerland" website.

Read about what you can do if you cannot use the European Health Insurance Card.

If you are a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA and are not entitled to a European Health Insurance Card, you may still be entitled to have healthcare expenses covered in the UK. If you need healthcare in the UK and need documentation, you can contact Helfo.

Have you had to pay a separate healthcare fee when applying for residence? You can then check with the British authorities whether you can be reimbursed for this expense.


Are you a posted worker or work in Norway and live in the United Kingdom? From 1 January 2024, you may, by showing certificate S1 from Norway, have the right to have expenses covered for healthcare in the UK.

Read more about your rights and how you can apply for certificate S1:

The social security agreement with the UK means that even you who are a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA may have the right to obtain certificate S1 from Norway.

You who lived in the UK before 1 January 2024 can also now apply to get a certificate S1 from Norway.

If you already have a valid certificate S1 registered in the UK, this document will remain valid until the possible expiry date.

Contact Guidance Helsenorge

Contact Guidance Helsenorge if you are not sure whether you are entitled to a European Health Insurance Card or coverage for healthcare services abroad:

  • Telephone: +47 23 32 70 00
  • Fax: +47 33 34 73 73

Content provided by Helfo

Helfo. Right to healthcare in the United Kingdom . [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Wednesday, January 3, 2024 [retrieved Friday, March 14, 2025]. Available from: https://www.helsenorge.no/en/treatment-abroad/right-to-healthcare-in-the-united-kingdom/

Last updated Wednesday, January 3, 2024