Occupational injury/illness and temporary stays in the EU/EEA or Switzerland

Do you have a NAV-approved occupational injury or illness and intend to temporarily stay in or move to another EU/EEA country or Switzerland? This article explains your rights.

If you have a NAV-approved occupational injury or illness, expenses you incur for healthcare in connection with the injury or illness may also be covered abroad.

Find out more about occupational injury and illness on NAV's website.

The DA1 form

Are you intending to temporarily stay in or move to another EU/EEA country or Switzerland? If so, you should apply to Helfo for a DA1 form well in advance of your departure. 

A DA1 form is proof of your entitlement to subsidies for your health expenses in connection with an occupational injury or illness. The subsidy will be calculated in accordance with the legislation in the country in which you receive the healthcare. This could for example mean that you will also be reimbursed for any user fees you incur. 

The form must be submitted to the social security authorities in the country you are travelling or moving to.

You apply to Helfo for form DA1 by completing and submitting the following form:

Attach NAV’s decision concerning the occupational injury or illness, and send your application to Helfo, Postboks 2415, 3104 Tønsberg.

If you incurred healthcare expenses in your country of residence before you registered the DA1 form, you must contact the social security authorities there in order to claim any reimbursement.  

If you are going on holiday, you should also take your European Health Insurance Card with you. If you are moving to another EU/EEA country or Switzerland, you should check whether you should take any other rights documents in addition to the DA1 form.

Reimbursement in connection with temporary stays

Have you temporarily stayed in another EU/EEA country or Switzerland and incurred expenses which are directly related to an occupational injury or illness? If so, you can apply to Helfo for reimbursement if:

  • you have a NAV-approved occupational injury/illness and do not take a DA1 form with you
  • you have been treated by a private treatment provider (does not apply to Switzerland)

Find out more about reimbursement for treatment abroad.

You must bring an invoice, receipt and documentation of the treatment you have received. Helfo will check what reimbursement you should have received under the rules concerning occupational injury and illness in the country in which you were staying, or assess the claim under the Norwegian rules if this would be in your favour. 

Confirmation from the treatment provider may be necessary to confirm the link between your injury or illness and the healthcare you have received. The link must also be confirmed by the treatment provider in connection with purchases of medicines, special medical equipment and medical consumables. The confirmation must be sent to Helfo together with a copy of NAV’s decision approving your occupational injury or illness.

You can also apply for reimbursement in the country in which you are staying. In addition to the invoice, receipt and documentation of the treatment you have received, you must have a DA1 form from Norway.

Submit your application 



You must send the application form and documentation to Helfo within 6 months of each treatment date. If you have not settled on the spot but received an invoice afterwards, we calculate the deadline from the invoice date instead of the treatment date. In this context, invoice means the first payment request issued by your treatment provider. 

If you are waiting for a decision from NAV concerning an occupational injury, the deadline can be determined from the date on which you receive the decision. Nevertheless, we recommend that you apply within six months from the date of treatment in case you receive a rejection from NAV. We will then consider whether you are entitled to reimbursement under other rules.

Paper form

If you are unable to use our digital form, you can send us the paper form instead. Complete and send in the following form:

In the case of dental treatment in the EU/EEA, you must use the following form:

Send the form to Helfo, Postboks 2415, 3104 Tønsberg.

Content provided by Helfo

Helfo. Occupational injury/illness and temporary stays in the EU/EEA or Switzerland. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Monday, October 2, 2023 [retrieved Friday, March 14, 2025]. Available from: https://www.helsenorge.no/en/treatment-abroad/occupational-injuryillness-and-temporary-stays-in-the-eueea-or-switzerland/

Last updated Monday, October 2, 2023