Mixed feeding

Breastmilk is good for your child even if they only get a little.

Why try mixed feeding?

Breast milk is good for your baby, even if she only gets a little. That’s why it’s a good idea to combine breastfeeding with infant formula. Breast milk contains substances that are not present in infant formula. These substances benefit the health of your child, both now and later in life. They provide protection against infections and aid the development of the infant immune system and nervous system. Mixed feeding also has important health benefits for you, such as lower risk of breast cancer. For babies who cannot be fed breast milk for any reason, infant formula is a good alternative that enables baby to grow and develop completely normally.

How to maintain your milk production with mixed feeding

To maintain your milk production, you should breastfeed from both breasts, before giving your baby infant formula. Spread the amount of infant formula your baby receives during the day over several feeds. More feeds of small amounts of infant formula at a time will lead to more frequent breastfeeding. This is better for your milk production than fewer feeds of larger amounts of infant formula. Nurse your baby at both breasts during each feed. Swap breasts when baby gets impatient with the first breast. Breast compression can help increase the amount of breast milk your baby gets. You can also use an at-breast supplementer for feeding your baby infant formula. Your breasts will then be stimulated to make milk at the same time.  

Last updated Wednesday, February 17, 2021