What are contraceptive patches?
Contraceptive patches are soft patches with a size of 4.5 × 4.5 cm. The patch contains the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. When using the patch, the hormones are absorbed via the skin and enter the blood circulation.
When using contraceptive patches, you don't have to remember to take a pill every day.
The contraceptive patch available in Norway is called Evra.
How to use contraceptive patches
You change the patch on a fixed day of the week for three weeks. Then you can have a patch-free week. You will get bleeding in the week you do not use the patch.
If you want to avoid the bleeding, skip the patch-free week. You will then have a bleed after a few months. Then you should take a break for 4-7 days before using a new patch.
The patch should withstand showering and bathing, if properly attached.
Contraception support for young people
If you need the contraceptive pill, contraceptive patch, vaginal ring, contraceptive implant or coil and are under the age of 22 years old, you are eligible for financial support to cover all or parts of the cost of contraception.
Risks associated with the use of contraceptive patches
The use of contraceptive patches may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. This risk increases with age. Therefore, if you are over the age of 35 with an additional risk of cardiovascular disease, you should not use contraceptive patches. Here, additional risk means those who:
- smoke
- are overweight
- have diabetes
- have a high fat and cholesterol level in the blood
- have increased heredity for cardiovascular disease
If you have a BMI higher than 35, you should also not use contraceptive patches.

Alle prevensjonsmidler gir god beskyttelse mot graviditet, men har ulike bruksmåter og bivirkninger.