Advice if you have suicidal thoughts

If you feel that life is no longer bearable, give someone a chance to understand how you are feeling. Talking about it can be the first step towards feeling better.

Call 113 in case of acute suicide risk

Are you at acute risk of harming yourself or taking your own life? Then call 113 right now. The emergency services will help you and assist with further professional support.

Call 113

Always call 113 in case of acute risk of suicide. It is safer to call one time too many than one time too little.

Take suicidal thoughts seriously

When everything feels bleak and hopeless, it is not unusual to have thoughts that life is not worth living. Thoughts of suicide may arise in crisis and despair over a divorce/break-up, conflict, illness, challenges at work, or as a result of mental health problems like depression. If those thoughts become too intrusive, it is important to seek professional help.

Talking about it, is doing something about it

It can be difficult to talk to other people about suicidal thoughts. You may feel weak and afraid of what people will think of you. Many people choose to struggle on alone, feeling shame about needing help from others when they get unsafe thoughts and feelings. You may feel trapped by your situation, and struggle to see solutions.

However, by crossing the threshold and talking to someone you trust, you can get help to see solutions. Talking about it is doing something about it, and that's the first step to tackling the problems. You will be helping yourself by allowing others to help you.

Who can you talk to?

Is there someone you trust? Talk to someone you trust, such as a family member, close friend, or family doctor (GP), public health nurse, teacher, imam, or church minister.

Suggestions for what to say

If you're not sure how to start the conversation, use some of the tips below:

  • “I've had a rough time lately. I've been thinking about whether life is worth living”.
  • “My worries have piled up. I'm having trouble seeing my way out of them. I keep having these thoughts that I can’t face life anymore”.
  • “I feel like a burden and that it’s all my fault. The shame makes me think it would be better for everyone if I wasn't around anymore”.
  • “My feelings of inadequacy make me think about taking my own life”.
  • “I've had a rough time recently and have started having suicidal thoughts”.

How can you get help?

There are many places to turn to for help and supportive treatment. How acute is the situation? This determines who you need to contact.

Call 113 if a life is in danger

If there is a risk that you might harm yourself or take your own life, always call 113. The emergency services will help you in this acute situation, and will assist you so that you get further support.

Acute but not life-threatening situations

Contact your GP

Your GP has an immediate urgent care function during daytime hours. Your GP will provide information about different supportive healthcare providers where you live, and can assist in contacting them and sending referrals where needed. This may be psychologist or other primary care provider in your municipality, or within the specialist health service.

Out-of-hours primary care

If the problem is not immediately life-threatening, but still cannot wait until you can contact your GP during daytime hours, call the out-of-hours primary care service on 116 117.

Out-of-hours healthcare providers are trained to assess the criticality and urgency of each situation. The out-of-hours healthcare service also has a list of other relevant healthcare providers in your municipality who can help you.

Other services to turn to for help

  • school health service
  • local youth health centre
  • mental health and substance abuse service, including clinical psychologists
  • RPH (Prompt Mental Health Care) (in some municipalities)
  • home-based services/care services
  • psychosocial crisis team

You can find contact details for these services on your local authority website.

In some situations, help may be needed from the specialist health service. Your GP and the local authority’s clinical psychologist can refer you to the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Outpatient Service (BUP) or District Psychiatric Centre (DPS) if needed.

Do you need someone to talk to?

There are several helplines, chat services and support groups where you can share your thoughts and feelings anonymously, and get support, advice and guidance.

For children and young people:

Here you will find several helplines, chat services and support groups that can help when you are struggling (

Content provided by The Norwegian Directorate of Health, Nasjonalt senter for selvmordsforskning og -forebygging (NSSF)

The Norwegian Directorate of Health, Nasjonalt senter for selvmordsforskning og -forebygging (NSSF). Advice if you have suicidal thoughts. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Tuesday, October 12, 2021 [retrieved Saturday, February 22, 2025]. Available from:

Last updated Tuesday, October 12, 2021