What’s happening to the mother?
During these weeks, it is common to get stretch marks, pigment spots and/or a dark pigment strip in the middle of the abdomen. These normally disappear or fade after birth. The nipples and surrounding area can also darken.
Pressure and movement from the baby may affect your quality of sleep, and it can be difficult to get enough sleep. It’s important that you rest when you can.
Development of the fetus
The baby now weighs between 1,000 and 1,400 grams. The fetus opens its eyes for the first time. The fetus’ vision continues to develops during the pregnancy and after the baby has been born.
A pattern of when the fetus is in activity and when it rests starts during this period. You may experience jolts in connection with sudden noises or movements. You can get to know your baby’s pattern of movements by setting aside some time each day to feel for its kicks and movements. For more information, visit kjennliv.no.
During this period, most babies will be oriented with their head down inside the pelvis. For those that are not, there is still time to turn around.
Pregnancy weeks 29 and 35
Your stomach is getting bigger, and it is common for you to feel breathless, even during minimal exertion. The body gradually starts to prepare for labour through more and more Braxton Hicks contractions.