How to represent other people at Helsenorge

You can use the services offered on Helsenorge on behalf of someone else, for instance in order to help them keep track of their health data. There are several ways of doing this.

When you log in to Helsenorge, you can use services on behalf of:

When you select someone other than yourself, you will immediately notice that the range of services available is reduced. The services shown will depend on the services that are available to children over and under 12 years of age and through power of attorney, as well as any opt-outs and consents that apply to the person you are representing.

Regardless of how you represent other people on Helsenorge, you will never have more access than they have themselves. You also cannot have power of attorney to use services that they do not have or have not consented to themselves.

Power of attorney ("Fullmakt")

Power of attorney

You may give power of attorney to other people to use services at Helsenorge on your behalf, and you may obtain a corresponding power of attorney from others.

Alternatively, you can click on your name when you are logged in to Helsenorge and select "Fullmakter" in the menu that appears.

Here you can see who you have given power of attorney to or received power of attorney from, and how long these are valid. You can also amend or withdraw powers of attorney you have given, or create a new power of attorney.

If you do not wish to give or withdraw power of attorney online, you can use the pdf-forms for power of attorney. Print the form and fill it out. Then post it to the address you see in the form.

Age limits

You must be over 16 years of age to give someone power of attorney to use services on behalf of other people. The recipient of the power of attorney must be over 18 years of age.

Consent required to use the services

The person giving power of attorney must first give their consent to the collection, collation and use of health data. This is necessary in order to be able to use the services provided by Helsenorge. If you have not already done this, you will be asked to do it when you log in to Helsenorge.

More information about the various levels of consent at Helsenorge can be found here.

Amend or cancel power of attorney

Power of attorney can either be valid for a limited period of time, or indefinitely. Powers of attorney that are still valid can be amended. When a power of attorney is amended, it will be deleted and a new one will then be automatically created, with the changes. Powers of attorney which have been deleted or are no longer valid will be automatically moved to history.

Both the person giving power of attorney and the person who receives it can cancel the power of attorney at any time.

What can you give power of attorney for?

You can choose what the power of attorney covers by selecting one or more of the three service areas. The power of attorney will automatically apply to new services within the selected areas as they become available.

This option is suitable for those who now and in the future would like as much help as possible to keep track of their health situation through digital services. If services which are considered to be a significant change are added, you may need to confirm the power of attorney again.

Lasting power of attorney

You can use a lasting power of attorney to access Helsenorge on behalf of the person to whom the power of attorney applies. To be valid for Helsenorge, the power of attorney must cover the areas “personal matters” and/or “health”. The lasting power of attorney must also be approved (ratified) by the County Governor.

What do you need to submit?

In order to use a ratified lasting power of attorney to access Helsenorge on behalf of others, you need to submit

  • a copy of the lasting power of attorney
  • a copy of valid proof of identity for those who have received the lasting power of attorney

If you wish to withdraw consent for the use of Helsenorge on behalf of the person for whom you have a lasting power of attorney, you can submit a form to withdraw consent (in norwegian) together with the lasting power of attorney.

The request can be sent to:

Norsk helsenett SF
Postboks 329 Skøyen,
0213 Oslo,

Service areas

The various services are grouped into three groups, called service areas. You can choose the service areas that the power of attorney is to cover:

1) Access to data that has been registered about you

The person you give power of attorney to will be able to view data which has been registered about you within the health and care sector, and which is available on Helsenorge. He or she will also be able to request correction and deletion of such data.

With this option, the person who has been given power of attorney will not have access to your patient records.

With this option, you give access to:

  • view data that has been registered about you in health registries (including prescriptions, summary care record and vaccinations)
  • view information about your GP
  • view test results
  • request correction of errors in registries
  • view information about research projects you are taking part in
  • manage your profile settings
  • keep track of your consents and opt-outs

2) Access to patient records

The person you give power of attorney to will be able to view a summary of the documents that health professionals have made available digitally.

With this option, you give access to:

  • view your patient records
  • view entries made by healthcare professionals in your patient records
  • request correction of errors in patient records

3) Digital health services

The person you give power of attorney to will be able to view dialogues that you have had with healthcare professionals, as well as information concerning appointments, letters, forms for completion, etc. Please remember that data you obtain via Helsenorge may replace a physical letter sent to your home address.

With this option, you give access to:

  • book and manage your appointments
  • keep track of your referrals
  • manage your healthcare contacts
  • communicate with your treatment providers and other healthcare contacts
  • view your medicines and renew your prescriptions
  • view your vaccination card
  • enter information in your summary care record
  • use digital tools
  • use new services that are directly linked to prevention, treatment or follow-up of your health

Please note that power of attorney to view medicines and renew prescriptions is not the same as power of attorney to collect items on behalf of others.

In order to collect other people's medicines or items from a pharmacy, you must use a special power of attorney specifically intended for this purpose. You can obtain a form for this from the Norwegian Pharmacy Association (in Norwegian).

You can give power of attorney without logging in to Helsenorge

You can give or withdraw power of attorney to use Helsenorge's services without logging in to Helsenorge. You must use the following form to do this:

You will receive a code

In order to give power of attorney to other people, you will need to provide additional confirmation: We will send you a letter with a code as soon as we receive your form. When you receive this letter, call the Norwegian National Contact Point for Healthcare (Guidance Helsenorge) on 23 32 70 00 and enter the code along with the case number stated in the letter. It is important that it is you who calls and no one else. We will then set up the power of attorney.

Hands typing

Profile and settings on Helsenorge

You can update your contact details, determine which notifications you want to receive, change privacy settings, and view your access log.

Illustration: Eugenio Marongiu / Mostphotos

Custody of children

At Helsenorge you will be able to represent the child or children you have custody of, subject to certain limitations:

  • If one or more of the child's parents are registered at the same address as the child in the National Population Registry, both parents will be able to use Helsenorge services on behalf of the child.
  • If none of the child's parents are registered at the same address as the child in the National Population Registry, none of the parents parents will be able to use Helsenorge services on behalf of the child.

If you think there are errors in the data in the National Population Registry, you must contact the National Population Registry directly and ask them to make the necessary changes.

If you have custody of one or more children, you will receive the same notifications for the children concerned as you do for yourself.

Foster parents have no access

Foster parents cannot gain access to their child’s health data via Helsenorge. Foster parents must contact the doctor treating the child in order to gain access to such data.

Services available on behalf of children

The following services are currently available on behalf of children:

For children under 12 years old:

In the case of children under the age of 12, all the services in the list will be available:

  • Appointments and appointment administration
  • Referrals
  • Messages linked to medical centres or municipal services
  • GP services (if the GP offers such services)
  • Medical and critical information in summary care record
  • Patient record: Document summary and access log for patient records at hospitals in the Western Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Vest) and the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Nord).
  • Documents
  • Summary care record: Access to and your own entries in summary care record, settings and access log
  • Messages (not all messages are available via parental responsibility)
  • Healthcare contacts
  • Pathway coordinator
  • General practitioner: Information on GP.
  • Changing GP
  • Vaccinations
  • Prescriptions: Viewing of prescriptions and medicines.
  • Health registries
  • Research
  • Profile

For children 12 to 15 years old:

There are limitations on access rights for children aged between 12 and 15. When a child reaches the age of 12, access will therefore be automatically restricted to what is listed below:

  • Messages (not all messages are available via parental responsibility)
  • Healthcare contacts
  • Pathway coordinator
  • General practitioner: Information on GP.
  • Changing GP
  • Vaccinations
  • Prescriptions: Viewing of prescriptions and medicines.
  • Health registries
  • Research
  • Profile

When a child reaches 16 years of age

Once people reach the age of 16, they have legally reached the age of consent in health matters, and their parents will then not normally have any access rights. When a child reaches 16 years of age, their parents' access to the Helsenorge services on their behalf will automatically be deleted.

You can give consent to children's use of the services

Young people between the ages of 13 and 16 can access some of the services at Helsenorge. Access requires parental consent.

Municipal services available via Helsenorge

If you receive municipal healthcare services and live in an area that offers such services at Helsenorge, you can give power of attorney to other people to use the services on your behalf.

This option is gradually being rolled out to cover other districts and municipalities, as well as more municipal services.

What you need to do

You decide who you want to give power of attorney to.

  1. Go to "Profile and settings" ("Profil og innstillinger") when you are logged in to Helsenorge by clicking on your name at the top.
  2. Select "Powers of attorney” ("Fullmakter") and then “Create new power of attorney" ("Gi ny fullmakt").
  3. Select the person you wish to give power of attorney to. You can choose from your family members or search for someone else. You must know the Norwegian identity number of the person, who must be over 18 years of age and registered in the National Population Registry.
  4. Determine the scope of the power of attorney at Helsenorge. You can choose from three groups of services known as "service areas". You can choose one, two or all three of these areas. You must at least select digital health services in order to gain access to municipal services via Helsenorge, but you can choose the other two service areas as well if you wish.

It is possible to withdraw power of attorney at any time on Helsenorge.

Read more about municipality services in the home online (in Norwegian).

Content provided by Norsk helsenett

Norsk helsenett. How to represent other people at Helsenorge. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Thursday, October 10, 2024 [retrieved Friday, February 21, 2025]. Available from:

Last updated Thursday, October 10, 2024