Power of attorney for contact with Helfo

You can authorise someone else to contact Helfo on your behalf or you can receive authorisation to act on behalf of others. You or the person who will be granting you power of attorney must complete a paper form, which can be submitted to Helfo using the digital form.


The power of attorney will apply to all contact with Helfo

You need to be authorised with a power of attorney to contact Helfo on behalf of someone else.

This applies when you

  • apply for a European Health Insurance Card
  • find and change a GP
  • check your exemption card and user fees
  • contact Helfo with questions about the reimbursement of health expenses incurred in and outside of Norway
  • submit applications to Helfo on behalf of others

Parents/guardians also need to obtain power of attorney from any children over the age of 16. This is because the legal age of majority for healthcare is 16.  

Note: Unfortunately, you cannot use the power of attorney system on Helsenorge for services for which Helfo is responsible.


How to arrange power of attorney

The person who will be granting power of attorney must complete and sign this form:

Health information is considered sensitive data and must not be submitted via email. We therefore ask that you submit the power of attorney to Helfo as an attachment using the digital form (Altinn). You can find a link to the digital form in step 4.

If you are unable to use Altinn, you can submit the power of attorney and a copy of your ID document by post to the following address:

Helfo, Postboks 2415, NO-3104 Tønsberg

The person who is granting power of attorney must enclose a copy of a valid ID document bearing a signature, such as a driving licence, national ID card or passport.


You need to scan or take a photo of the form and your ID document before submitting it via Altinn

Make sure to scan or take a photo of the form and ID document so that they can be uploaded using the digital form in Altinn.


You can now upload a power of attorney form via Altinn

Once you have completed the power of attorney form and scanned or photographed the ID document, you can log in to Helfo’s digital form (Altinn) to upload the power of attorney and a copy of your ID document. The digital form is only in Norwegian.

In the Altinn form, you firstly need to select “Tilleggsopplysninger til søknad/fullmakt” from the drop-down menu under “Hva gjelder innsendingen?”.

Then you need to select “Fullmakt/vergefullmakt” in the drop-down menu under “Tilleggsopplysninger”.

Here you will be able to upload both the power of attorney and the ID document.

Details of both the person granting power of attorney and the person being granted power of attorney can be submitted via Altinn.


How long does it take for a power of attorney form to be registered?

You will not receive any confirmation that Helfo has received the power of attorney form.

It can take up to two days before the power of attorney form has been registered with Helfo.  

If you submit the form by ordinary post, it can take up to a week before the power of attorney is registered with Helfo. 

Content provided by Helfo

Helfo. Power of attorney for contact with Helfo. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Thursday, April 4, 2024 [retrieved Wednesday, February 12, 2025]. Available from: https://www.helsenorge.no/en/power-of-attorney/om/power-of-attorney-for-contact-with-helfo/

Last updated Thursday, April 4, 2024