If you are travelling to or from officially approved treatment, you may be entitled to have your travel expenses covered. To apply digitally, you must give consent to Pasientreiser.
Consent for Pasientreiser
To apply digitally, you must also consent to Pasientreiser collecting information about your treatment.
You will find this consent at the end of each application. It applies to the individual application. If you apply again, you will need to re-provide this consent.
When you submit a digital application, you agree that Pasientreiser can:
- collect data from the Database for the Control and Payment of Health Reimbursement) (databasen for kontroll og utbetaling av helserefusjon, KUHR) and the Norwegian Patient Register (Norsk pasientregister).
- obtain data and documentation necessary to process your application.
- store information that can be used if the wrong amount has been paid and you have to refund the difference.
- process your application automatically.
Why do we need your consent?
Pasientreiser refers to the registers to confirm that you have been treated on the day you apply for your travel expenses to be covered. That means you do not have to provide confirmation from your doctor.
Pasientreiser does not collect details of dates other than the dates you state you have received treatment.
Can I withdraw my consent?
The consent for Pasientreiser applies to each application you submit and cannot be withdrawn digitally. The consent does not apply to future applications.
Can I apply for my expenses to be covered even if I do not consent?
If you do not consent, you cannot apply digitally to receive cover for your travel expenses. You must then submit an application on a paper form.
Data that can be collected without consent
Pasientreiser will process your application automatically in whole or part, and some data necessary to process your application can be collected without you having to consent to it. Examples include name, mode of travel, time of travel and special transportation needs.
A complete list of the data in question can be found in the Patient Transport Register Regulations (syketransportregisterforskriften, lovdata.no). Data that can be collected without consent is provided by companies, processors and service providers from whom you have received treatment.