Mental health – Services available to next of kin

There are many organisations offering support and guidance to next of kin. Their services are free and you do not need a referral.

General services for next of kin

The municipal family welfare offices provide guidance and advice to help you deal with various types of family challenges and crises. Find your local family welfare office here (in Norwegian).

Pårø (in Norwegian) is a website for all types of next of kin, regardless of their life situation or how close they are to the person concerned. On this website, you will find professional information, good advice and information about rights and services available across the country. You can also read about the experiences of other people’s next of kin.

National support services for users or next of kin relating to mental health

If you need more information or have any questions, there is a website, along with a chat service and helplines:

Mental health has a guide with advice for next of kin (in Norwegian). They also offer guidance via chat or phone (in Norwegian).

LPP has a national counselling hotline for next of kin: 22 46 19 22

SPISFO (in Norwegian) offers guidance and support for anyone needing someone to talk to about eating disorders. ROS offers similar services (in Norwegian).

ADHD Norway offers a range of services for next of kin, including an extensive apparatus which includes volunteer peers who can provide guidance and support (in Norwegian).

Next of kin organisations for mental health problems

Landsforeningen for pårørende innen psykisk helse (LPP) is a nationwide interest and user organisation for next of kin in the area of mental health (in Norwegian). 

Mental Helse (in Norwegian) is a membership organisation for anyone experiencing mental health problems or their next of kin and other interested parties.

Spiseforstyrrelsesforeningen (SPISFO) is an organisation for anyone affected by an eating disorder, and their next of kin (in Norwegian).

ADHD Norge is a voluntary organisation for anyone with ADHD and their next of kin, professionals and other stakeholders (in Norwegian).

LEVE is the national association for the next of kin of suicide victims (in Norwegian). The aim of the association is to support those who are bereaved and/or affected by suicide, and to help prevent suicide.

Three women looking in the same direction

The rights of next of kin

The less a patient is able to look after themselves, the more rights their next of kin will have.

Illustration: Johnér Bildbyrå AB

Kors på halsen (Norwegian Red Cross)

800 33 321

Conversation services for everyone under 18 years of age. Call, chat or send mail with adults who have a duty of confidentiality.

Health and Social Services Ombudsman

The Health and Social Services Ombudsman can help you with questions about health services and provide advice and guidance concerning your rights.

Content provided by The Norwegian Directorate of Health

The Norwegian Directorate of Health. Mental health – Services available to next of kin. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Thursday, December 22, 2022 [retrieved Wednesday, March 26, 2025]. Available from:

Last updated Thursday, December 22, 2022