TT cards

Transport service (TT) cards are an offer of alternative transport for persons who are unable to use public transport due to disability or illness. There is no statutory individual entitlement to TT services.


As part of its responsibilities regarding the provision of local public transport services, the county council is also responsible for facilitating transport for persons who are unable to travel on ordinary public transport due to disability.

The scheme is not rights-based and is run parallel to other rights-based schemes, such as the patient transport scheme for GP and treatment appointments (patient journeys) and the scheme for work- and education-related travel (NAV).

Who is eligible for a TT card?

The TT card scheme is aimed at people with a disability or reduced mobility who are unable to use ordinary public transport or their own vehicle. The municipality or county council is responsible for the scheme and establishes the criteria for eligibility for a TT card.

TT cards are personal and can only be used by the holder.

How to apply for a TT card

The county council is responsible for deciding who you must apply to. If the county council decides to award TT services, this will be done through a written decision (individual decision), which explains what is covered. Refusals must also be notified in the form of an individual decision with an explanation of the reason for the decision. The decision will also explain the procedure and deadline for appeals.

Contact the county council or municipality for further guidance or information about the application process.

Right to appeal

You can appeal decisions concerning TT cards. You should send your appeal to the body that made the decision.

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Content provided by Samferdselsdepartementet

Samferdselsdepartementet. TT cards. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Saturday, October 1, 2022 [retrieved Saturday, March 29, 2025]. Available from:

Last updated Saturday, October 1, 2022