Health centre services at Helsenorge

You can contact the healthcare services in your municipality easily and securely via Helsenorge. You can find your health contacts, view and cancel appointments and send messages. In some municipalities, you will also be able to book appointments.

A teenage girl gets vaccinated by a school nurse

Not all municipalities offer these services through Helsenorge today.

As soon as your municipality connects the health centre and school health services to Helsenorge, these services will automatically become available to you as well.

View appointments with the health centre and school health service

You can:

  • view your child’s appointments with the health centre or the school health service
  • view appointments you have with the midwifery service
  • notify the service if the time is not convenient, via cancel appointment

When you or your child is given an appointment, you will receive a notification by email or text message.

Send a message to the health centre and school health service

You can send messages on behalf of your child to the health centre or school health service from your inbox.

You can send a practical question to the office, or questions about the child's health to the health nurse.

If you are pregnant, you can send a message to the midwife service after the midwife has booked you an appointment. If you are over 16 years old, you can send a message to the health centre for adolescents (HFU).

When you receive a reply, you will be notified by email or text message.

See the health contacts in your municipality

All children and young people from 0-30 years of age will automatically be assigned a health contact in the health centre or school health service, as soon as the municipality connects to Helsenorge.

  • The health centre service in the municipality: Children 0-6 years
  • The school health service in the municipality: Children 6-23 years
  • Health centre for adolescents: Adolescents aged 16-30 years

Health contacts for health centre are valid until 1st of August in the year in which the child reaches the age of six.

You will also find information about current and former GPs and other contacts in the municipal health service at Helsenorge.

Using health centre services on behalf of a child

To use health centre services at Helsenorge on behalf of a child, you must log in as yourself first. You then choose who you want to view information for or carry out services on behalf of.

At Helsenorge, you can represent a child you have custody of and view their health data, subject to certain restrictions:

  • If one or more of the parents are registered at the same address as the child, both parents will be able to represent the child.
  • If neither parent is registered at the same address as the child, neither of them will be able to represent the child.

You can use Helsenorge on behalf of children under the age of 16. You are still able to view all their appointments, unless the appointment is exempt from parental access.

For adolescents over the age of 16, parents will no longer have access to services on behalf of their child. Anyone with a BankID or equivalent will be able to log in and use the services themselves.

You can find out more about the services you have access to on behalf of your children here.

Notification settings

If you have custody of a child, you will receive the same notifications for the child that you have chosen to receive for yourself. Learn more about profile settings, contact details and notifications.

Help and user support

If you have any questions about using the digital service, call Guidance Helsenorge on 23 32 70 00.

Contact your municipality if you have any questions about the school health service.

Content provided by Norsk helsenett

Norsk helsenett. Health centre services at Helsenorge. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Monday, October 26, 2020 [retrieved Saturday, February 22, 2025]. Available from:

Last updated Monday, October 26, 2020