Healthcare services in the home

Home healthcare services include home nursing and other forms of healthcare that are provided in the patient's home. Healthcare services are provided to help you cope and function better and have less pain and discomfort, more years of life and/or a better quality of life.

Some examples of municipal healthcare services provided in the home are:

  • Home nursing
  • Mental healthcare
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Habilitation and rehabilitation

If appropriate, these services can also be provided outside the home.

Home nursing and occupational therapy are provided free of charge. Information about user fees for health services can be found here: Payment for health services – Helsenorge.

How to apply for healthcare services in the home?

Health services in the home are provided when needed. You, a family member or healthcare personnel can submit a request for health care to the municipality.

You can find more information about how to apply on the municipality's website or by contacting your municipality.

Healthcare professionals in the municipality will assess which services and interventions are relevant, in consultation with you and possibly your relatives. The decision on which services and interventions to provide is made by the municipality on the basis of an evidence-based assessment.

Once you have applied, the municipality is required to send you a written notification of their decision. The notification must state the services you have been granted, their scope and how they will be organised. If your application is rejected, the reason for the rejection must be stated in the notification. You should also be given information on how to appeal and the deadline for receipt of your appeal.

Complaints submission

If you believe that the municipality is not giving you the help you need, you can submit an appeal
to your municipality, which will then review the case. If the municipality does not uphold your appeal, it will be referred to the county governor for a final decision on what help you should be offered by the municipality.

There are patient and user ombudsmen in all counties. You can contact them if you need advice, guidance or information regarding your rights as a patient, user or family member, or for help with formulating an appeal.

Health and Social Services Ombudsman

The Health and Social Services Ombudsman can help you with questions about health services and provide advice and guidance concerning your rights.

Content provided by The Norwegian Directorate of Health

The Norwegian Directorate of Health. Healthcare services in the home. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Wednesday, December 21, 2022 [retrieved Saturday, February 22, 2025]. Available from:

Last updated Wednesday, December 21, 2022