Right to meet with the health service after very serious events

The health service has a duty to meet patients, users and carers following very serious events involving the patient or user.

Sykepleier med sykeseng

From 1 July 2018, the health and social care services in the municipality and at hospitals have been required to meet with patients, users and carers following very serious events that have involved the patient or user. Read more about the requirement at regjeringen.no 

No later than within 10 days 

The health and social care services shall offer such a meeting as soon as possible and no later than 10 days after the event has taken place. 

Very serious events are incidents in which health or social care has resulted in death, injury or serious complications and the event was unexpected in relation to the anticipated risk. 

In case of death 

In the event of death, the health and social care services have a duty to offer similar meetings to the patient’s or user’s carers. At the meeting, the health and social care service will provide information about the event, the measures that will be initiated to prevent similar events in the future and about the complaints system. 

Amendment to the Patient and User Rights Act 

The rule amendment will be set out in the new sixth paragraph of Section 3-2 of the Patient and User Rights Act: 

In the event that injury or complication as mentioned in paragraph 5 is very serious, the patient or user will be offered a meeting with the health and social care services as soon as possible after the event and no later than ten days after the event took place. 

The purpose of such meetings is to provide the patient or user with information pursuant to paragraph four and five and to answer any questions related to the event and continued follow-up thereof. In the event of death arising as a result of a serious event, a similar meeting shall be offered to relatives and carers. 

Health and Social Services Ombudsman

The Health and Social Services Ombudsman can help you with questions about health services and provide advice and guidance concerning your rights.

Ministry of Health and Care Services (lovdata.no)

The Patient and User Rights Act contains legal rules on the rights patients and users have towards the health and care service (in Norwegian).

Content provided by Statsforvalteren

Statsforvalteren. Right to meet with the health service after very serious events . [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Thursday, November 16, 2023 [retrieved Friday, March 7, 2025]. Available from: https://www.helsenorge.no/en/health-rights-in-norway/right-to-meet-health-service-very-serious-events/

Last updated Thursday, November 16, 2023