Right to a contact physician

If you have a serious illness which must be treated or monitored over a certain period of time, you may be entitled to a contact physician in the specialist health service.

Doctor with stethoscope

​Contact physician in the specialist health service is a scheme which ensures that your follow-up as a patient is better, safer and more effective.

Information on entitlement

The right to a contact physician is stated in Section 2-5 a of the Patient and User Rights Act (in Norwegian). ​Once the hospital or health institution has decided that you are entitled to a contact physician, you will be informed about this.

The conditions regarding both severity and duration must be met in order for you to have the right to a contact physician. As soon as possible after the assessment has been made, you will also be told the name of your contact physician.

The contact physician's tasks

The contact physician has a particular responsibility to support you during your treatment or follow-up by the specialist health service. The tasks of the contact physician are to:

  • act as your regular medical point of contact throughout your patient pathway
  • be involved in your treatment or follow-up
  • keep themselves informed about the status of your treatment
  • help to ensure that the patient pathway progresses as planned
  • keep you and your next of kin informed
  • be available to you and healthcare professionals regarding medical issues

In the event of any challenges associated with your patient pathway, please contact the health personnel or your treatment unit.

The right to a contact physician applies within the field of somatics, mental healthcare and multidisciplinary specialised treatment for drug addiction.

Right to appeal

If your application for a contact physician is refused, you can appeal against the assessment under the provisions of Chapter 7 of the Patient and User Rights Act. You should send your appeal to the hospital or institution that made the decision.

Guidelines and regulations

Guide concerning contact physicians in the specialist health service (Directorate of Health) (in Norwegian)

Patient and User Rights Act, Section 2-5a - Right to a contact physician (Lovdata) (in Norwegian)

Ministry of Health and Care Services (lovdata.no)

The Patient and User Rights Act contains legal rules on the rights patients and users have towards the health and care service (in Norwegian).

Content provided by The Norwegian Directorate of Health

The Norwegian Directorate of Health. Right to a contact physician. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Wednesday, November 23, 2022 [retrieved Sunday, March 9, 2025]. Available from: https://www.helsenorge.no/en/health-rights-in-norway/right-to-a-contact-physician/

Last updated Wednesday, November 23, 2022