Your rights in case of exceeded waiting time

Have you been given a waiting time for healthcare and have yet to receive the healthcare by the end of the waiting time? If so, Helfo can find another healthcare provider for you.

Call center. Woman with headset

What is exceeded waiting time?

When you are referred to a hospital or other part of the specialist health service, they will assess whether you are entitled to essential healthcare. The type of health care and which part of the health service will help depend on your needs as a patient.

If you are entitled to essential healthcare, you will be given a binding deadline for when you will receive the healthcare at the latest. This deadline indicates how long it is medically defensible for you to wait to receive healthcare. If you do not receive the healthcare by the deadline you have been given, this is exceeded waiting time.

The specialist health service notifies Helfo of the exceeded waiting time

If the specialist health service cannot provide you with an offer of healthcare within the waiting time, they must notify Helfo. If you believe your guaranteed maximum waiting time has been exceeded but have yet to be notified, you can contact Helfo yourself by calling Fristbruddtelefonen at 23 32 70 03.

What happens when the specialist health service has notified an exceeded waiting time

When the specialist health service has notified Helfo about the exceeded waiting time, you will receive a letter on Helsenorge with information. If you do not use Helsenorge, you will either receive a letter sent to Digipost or to your mailbox at home.

If you would like an offer from another  or more information, please contact us at Helfo by calling Fristbruddtelefonen at 23 32 70 03. We have telephone hours Monday to Friday, 9.00–14.00.

If you do not want an offer from another healthcare provider, you will remain on a waiting list at the hospital you were referred to, and your case will be closed in Helfo. This may result in you receiving healthcare later than your deadline. If you have questions about waiting times, please contact your hospital.

Travel and travel expenses

You will be reimbursed for your travel expenses.

Which healthcare provider Helfo has an agreement with

Where you receive another treatment option depends on medical assessments and which healthcare providers Helfo has an agreement with.

Be aware of the following:

  • You cannot choose the new healthcare provider yourself. Helfo will find it for you.
  • The new healthcare provider will contact you to arrange a time for healthcare.
  • If you accept the healthcare there, you will no longer be on the waiting list at your hospital.
  • The healthcare you are offered must correspond to the healthcare you should have received from the public health service.
  • In some cases, Helfo is unable to find a treatment option. Then, you will keep your place on the waiting list at your hospital.

These healthcare providers offer health services in somatics (bodily diseases):

  • Aleris Helse AS
  • A-Medi AS
  • C-Medical AS
  • IbsenSykehusene AS
  • Kristina Klinikken AS
  • Moloklinikken AS

These healthcare providers offer health services in mental health care:

  • Psykologsenteret AS
  • Speare AS
  • Spesialistlege AS

Content provided by Helfo

Helfo. Your rights in case of exceeded waiting time. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Thursday, October 3, 2024 [retrieved Tuesday, March 18, 2025]. Available from:

Last updated Thursday, October 3, 2024