What to do if you are exposed to hazardous substances?

In the event of a major accident, terrorist attack or war, you could be exposed to hazardous substances. These may be chemical, infectious, radioactive or explosive. Below are Norway's recommendations on actions to take in such emergencies.

In an emergency, it is important to know what to do. You can protect yourself and others by following the recommendations below.

Remember to alert the emergency services by calling 110, 112 or 113 and follow their instructions at the site.

These are general guidelines and apply to any emergency involving direct exposure to hazardous substances. In other words, the initial safety actions are the same, regardless of the type of substance exposure.

More specific instructions may be provided in a specific incident.

Bear in mind that fear in itself can make you feel unwell. Feeling unwell does not necessarily mean that you have been affected by hazardous substances.

What are hazardous substances?

Some substances are harmful to come into contact with. These may be chemical, infectious, radioactive or explosive hazards. Emergencies involving such hazardous substances are often referred to as CBRNE incidents.

Such emergencies may result from

  • major accidents
  • terrorist acts
  • war

Seek medical care if you experience symptoms.

Content provided by Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo University Hospital

Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo University Hospital. What to do if you are exposed to hazardous substances?. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Tuesday, August 27, 2024 [retrieved Wednesday, March 12, 2025]. Available from: https://www.helsenorge.no/en/forstehjelp/hazardous-substances/

Last updated Tuesday, August 27, 2024