Healthcare rights of pensioners moving to Norway

This article explains the healthcare rights of pensioners who move to Norway.

Smiling woman in a kitchen

If you are a pensioner from an EU/EEA country and intend to move to Norway, you must make sure you have certificate S1 from the country you receive your pension from.

If you are a pensioner from outside the EU/EEA and are lawfully resident in Norway, you will be enrolled as a member of the Norwegian National Insurance scheme and be entitled to receive healthcare services when you move here.

Pensioners from another EU/EEA country, Switzerland or the United Kingdom

If you move to Norway from another EU/EEA country, Switzerland or the United Kingdom and have certificate S1, you will be entitled to receive healthcare services in accordance with the rules that apply in Norway.

Once you have submitted certificate S1 to Helfo, you will be reimbursed for essential expenses which you incur relating to healthcare services provided by the public health service in Norway. You must send the certificate to Helfo, Postboks 2415, 3104 Tønsberg.

You may have to pay a user fee for the various healthcare services in the same way as other residents in the country.

If you bring dependent family members with you, they will have the same rights as you. If your family member has a certificate S1, the certificate must be sent to Helfo. If your family member does not have certificate S1, you can contact Guidance Helsenorge by calling 23 32 70 00.

You must also make sure you have a European Health Insurance Card from the national insurance institution that you received your certificate S1 from. You can use the European Health Insurance Card if you go on holiday outside Norway.

If you accept employment in Norway, this will affect your rights. In this case, you must notify Helfo.

Pensioners from countries outside the EU/EEA

Are you a pensioner from outside the EU/EEA, a lawfully resident in Norway, and have become a member of the Norwegian National Insurance scheme? Then you are entitled to be covered for necessary expenses for healthcare services provided by the public health service when you move here.  

You will have to pay a user fee for the various healthcare services in the same way as other residents.

You must find out whether you are entitled to reside in Norway. Find out more about the opportunities to settle in Norway on the website of the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI).

Rights regarding homeward travel and healthcare services in your home country

​If you have any questions concerning your rights regarding support in connection with travel to your home country and/or health services there, you should contact the national insurance authorities there.

Content provided by Helfo

Helfo. Healthcare rights of pensioners moving to Norway. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Wednesday, June 12, 2024 [retrieved Friday, February 21, 2025]. Available from:

Last updated Wednesday, June 12, 2024