You must pay for the treatment out of pocket, and any reimbursement is a matter between you and your national health insurer. If you have certificate S1, S2, S3 or DA1 valid in Norway, you will generally only have to pay a user fee.
The Norwegian National Contact Point can provide information on the rules applicable to healthcare in Norway. It can also help you to find your way around in the Norwegian health service.
Treatment within the Norwegian health service
For a number of types of treatments in Norway, the waiting lists are long. You will have to join the same queue for healthcare like anyone else in Norway.
A given hospital cannot reject you for being from another EEA country. A patient can only be rejected when this can be justified by overriding reasons of general interest – for example because of lack of capacity.
In Norway, the health system requires everyone to have a referral from a medical professional in order to consult and be attended by the specialised health service. This will also apply to you, as a resident of another EEA country.
As a patient from another EEA country, you can opt to use a public-sector or private-sector healthcare provider.
You can go to «Velg behandlingssted» (Select place of treatment) to get an overview of healthcare providers. You can choose between public places of treatment and some private healthcare providers that are part of the public health care system through agreements. Other private healthcare providers you must find yourself. Read more about choosing a treatment centre.
The rules applied by your own national insurer determine the terms and conditions applicable to reimbursement.
The practitioner's authorisation and specialisation
If you require proof that your treatment provider is an authorised/licensed practitioner, or proof of their specialism, you can ask to have this documented by the treatment provider.
Patient injury compensation
All forms of medical treatment entail a risk. Should anything go wrong during your treatment, you can file a claim for compensation with the Norwegian System of Patient Injury Compensation (NPE).
The Norwegian Health and Social Services Ombudsman
The Norwegian Health and Social Services Ombudsman (in Norwegian) can provide advice and guidance on your rights as a patient. Contact the Ombudsman representing the Norwegian county in which you will be receiving treatment.
The European Health Insurance Card
In the event of a medical emergency while you are holidaying in Norway, you are well-advised to carry a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). This documents that you have the right to receive necessary healthcare from a healthcare provider under the Norwegian public health service.
Travel insurance
The right to receive healthcare in another EEA country is no substitute for personal travel insurance. Helfo recommends that all foreign nationals in Norway are covered by supplementary travel insurance.