Vitamin supplements

Breastfed babies should be given vitamin D supplements. Babies who are given infant formula do not need supplements.

Vitamin D supplements – what do exclusively breastfed babies need?

Babies who are exclusively breastfed need vitamin D supplements. Breast milk contains little vitamin D. The recommended supplement is 10 micrograms of vitamin D per day. Give your baby 5 drops of vitamin D daily from he or she is 1 week. Vitamin D spray can also be used. Follow the instructions on the package. Vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption in the intestine. Children need calcium for healthy bone development. Cod liver oil is not recommended as a supplement in the first year.

Vitamin D supplements – what do babies fed infant formula only need?

Babies exclusively fed infant formula, do not need vitamin D supplements.

Infant formula already contains vitamin D. If you are feeding your baby 7 dl infant formula or more per day, then he or she is getting enough vitamin D from the formula. 7 dl of infant formula contains 10 micrograms of vitamin D. 10 micrograms of vitamin D is the recommended daily dose of vitamin D for babies.

If your baby is fed 7 dl infant formula or more, no supplements are needed. Vitamin D from both infant formula and supplements may be too much. Cod liver oil is not recommended as a supplement in the first year.

Vitamin D supplements – what do babies fed both breast milk and infant formula need?

If you are feeding baby both breast milk and infant formula, vitamin D supplements may be needed. The amount of supplement required depends on how much infant formula baby gets daily.

  • For a baby fed 1-3 dl of infant formula daily, supplement with 5 drops of vitamin D.
  • For a baby fed 4-6 dl of infant formula daily, supplement with 3 drops of vitamin D.
  • For a baby fed 7 dl of infant formula or more daily, no supplements should be given.

7 dl of infant formula contains 10 micrograms of vitamin D. This is the recommended amount of vitamin D. Vitamin D spray can also be used. Follow the instructions on the package. Breast milk contains little vitamin D. Cod liver oil is not recommended as a supplement in the first year.