Helsenorge adheres to strict requirements relating to security and data protection. You can exchange information securely with your GP via Helsenorge.
To use GP services, you must consent to Full Access.
Check if your GP uses Helsenorge
You need to log in to check if your GP uses Helsenorge. The services you will have access to depend on what your GP has chosen to offer.
On Helsenorge you can find more facts and information about your GP and you can find contact details for the doctor’s surgery. Even if your GP does not use Helsenorge, you will still be able to view the name and contact details of your GP when logged in.
Book appointment
You can book a face-to-face appointment at the doctor’s surgery. Find an available appointment that suits you. You will be notified when the GP has confirmed or rejected your appointment.
Log in to book an appointment with your GP
Video appointments with your GP
If your GP offers video appointments via Helsenorge, you can select this option under “Book appointment”. The standard user fee is payable for video appointments with your GP.
Request repeat prescription
You can ask your GP to issue a repeat prescription. You can also see an overview of your prescriptions and how much is left on your prescriptions. You can view all expired prescriptions for a period of 12 months back in time.
Log in to view and request repeat prescriptions
E-consultation – send a message to your GP
An e-consultation allows you to send an enhanced message to your GP. You will be notified when there is a response. You will usually receive a response within five working days. Use the messaging feature only for non-urgent matters that do not require a face-to-face appointment. The standard user fee is payable when sending a message to your GP.
Log in to start an e-consultation with your GP
Contact the doctor’s surgery
You can contact the doctor’s surgery with questions about e.g. parking or holidays. You will not receive medical care or answers to medical questions here.
Log in to contact your doctor’s surgery
Changing GP
You can find and change your GP via Helsenorge. If your preferred GP is not available, you can join the waiting list.
Find and change your GP
GP services for children
You can use Helsenorge on behalf of your child until they reach the age of 16.To access your child’s profile on Helsenorge, at least one parent must be registered at the same address as the child.
With parental consent, young people between 13 and 16 years of age can use certain services on Helsenorge independently.