Where do I update my contact information?
You can view and update your contact information in the Common Contact Register (Kontakt- og reservasjonsregisteret). As a public website, Helsenorge retrieves contact details from the Common Contact Register. Therefore, your contact details must be registered there.
Go to the Common Contact Register (eid.difi.no).
Why do I need to provide my contact information?
Helsenorge uses your contact information to send you SMS or emails, for example, when you receive appointment letters, decisions, or other important communications. The contact information used by Helsenorge is retrieved from the Common Contact Register.
Is your contact information correct?
If your contact information is correct, you do not need to do anything.
You can choose whether to register both your mobile number and email, or just one of them.
What if my mobile number and email are not registered?
If neither your mobile number or email are registered in the Common Contact Register, you will no longer be able to log in or use the services for yourself or others on Helsenorge starting from 19 March 2025.